A subscription costs just £15 for 1 year.
To subscribe please click the Paypal subscribe button below, you must be logged into an account or the Paypal button will not appear.
We have a number of video guides on Youtube showing some of the features available to subscribers
A 1 year personal subscription to Radioreference UK costs £15, by subscribing all search and export features are available allowing you to find frequencies to listen to around any location in the UK and program your scanner.
Subscribers with an Active Subscription also get use of the RRUK Scanner Linker PC App, this interfaces with most popular scanners and SDRs to do automatic superfast frequency lookups. Scanner Linker is a free extra, if you cancel your Active Subscription it will disable access to it.
To subscribe first create a login then pay the annual subscription quoting your username.
The £15 subscription is for personal use only, please contact us for business or commercial use.
Limits for subscribers are as follows:-
Maximum frequencies returned by a single search = 1000
Maximum range from Town or Postcode 50 miles
You may login from any browser on a PC, Mac, Android / IOS device etc, only 1 device can be logged in at once, logging in on a second device will logout the first device.
Scanner Export function for the following:-
See detailed information in map popups.