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ProgDJX - Quick & Easy Programming for the Alinco DJ-X100E

Our ProgDJX Windows app makes programming the Alinco DJ-X100E scanner simpler than ever, each time you run the app it downloads the current UK frequency database so you are always programming the most up to date information.

Not only does the app have a data grid you can edit but it allows you to load blocks of frequencies at the click of button. Suppose you wanted to listen to RAF Lakenheath and RAF Mildenhall, simply click Mil Airfields, then click Lakenheath and Mildenhall, press program and you're done.

Banks can be assigned by entering the bank letters [A-Z] so if you want a channel in banks A and C just enter AC

The app also has a backup and restore feature so you easily create a backup of your current programming, the restored file can also be opened in the programming grid to ammend or add-to your existing programming.

Subscribers can download the app below, you need an Active Subscription to use it.

v1.0.0 Released 16/02/2025
Main Features:-
Download ProgDJX See Prog125 Youtube Video for similar functionality

Alinco DJ-X100E Programmer